CSI Ewarts school, the 95 odd years old institution in Chennai. This is a Girls school near Purasawalkam – Egmore area. The school got its name from its benefactor Ms. Ewart.
One of the best schools in the neighbourhood.
CSI Ewarts school, the 95 odd years old institution in Chennai. This is a Girls school near Purasawalkam – Egmore area. The school got its name from its benefactor Ms. Ewart.
One of the best schools in the neighbourhood.
Were you on a “sight” seeing trip to the Girls school?
I do not find “clicked by my son” in this photo – which would have been understandable 😉
Ram: Me too young in heart … 🙂
I wouldn’t to go there. How can girls learn anything without boys?
Ram: V True … V true ….
hi! dis is amy(aamira) doing my 10th grade in ewart. ewartians always rock!
Ram : Congrats on being an Ewartsian !!!
Congrats on being an Ewartian