Reading the newspapers in the morning (or even later) is a ritual for many. Some read the paper completely and inch by inch (including the obituary), some glance the main sections and read some interested sections, some just read for a purpose or at a specific act.
Here you could see an Autorickshaw driver reading a tamil newspaper while waiting for the next passenger to hire him.
I think people here read newspapers the same way. Although less and less. A number of papers are going bankrupt and out of business.
Ram: Thankfully not many national players have closed down here … or rather not many regional players too …. the habit continues here ….. probably because of the internet penetrations and speed are also a question here
I always read the sport section first and then the news section.
Ram: Sounds familiar Jansson …
Newspaper reading is a habit that will not easily die. The convenience of being able to carry anywhere cannot be replaced by the Internet medium.
Ram: I sincerely hope that the net doesnt kill the paper.
I have realised that my newspaper reading habit is dying slowly but surely, and being replaced by RSS feeds. Blogged about it on Sunday of all days. http://deeplyflawedbuttrying.wordpress.com/
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