
Auto Share

Share Auto (c)

Taking a leaf out of the Pat Pat’s of Pondicherry, now the city of Chennai has these vehicles commonly called the share autos. To avoid the haggling and menace of the regular autos, these are 2 fixed fares autos. One for a shorter distance and the other for the longer distance and the route is fixed. So like the hopon hopoff tours, these are hopon hopoff autos where people share their rides to a common destination.

The only challenge they pose are for the other vehicles drivers, by suddenly changing lanes to either drop someone or halt to pick up someone.

2 Comments to “Auto Share”

  1. What a great idea! It would be nice if other cities adopted it or something like it. Are these things comfortable to ride in?

    Ram: Yes these are comfortable till the allowed passengers Jacob. But thanks to the population explosion, many a times for the later 5-6 passengers it might not be really comfortable. But again no complaints, when compared to the other modes.

  2. Ravindran

    But for these share autos travelling freely in chennai is a diffucult exercise.

    Ram: Yes Ravindran, and thanks for visiting and commenting too.


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