Automatic Ticket Vending Machines or shortly ATVM’s have been in place for last one year or so at Major Suburban Train stations & MRTS Stations. With a commuter base of close to 9 lakhs per day, the southern railway authorities obviously had more than one reason to introduce these facilities across many stations.
But the “Smart Card” option, with Rs 50 Caution deposit and every time recharge of Rs50/= has not made this facility popular yet.
Any idea conceived and implemented needs to be also user friendly.
I have used this ATVM during my visit to Chennai last year. It is very convenient to use these machines and also it saves you from the hassle of standing in serpentine queues.
I am surprised that lot of commuters, who seem to be regulars on the Chennai Locals, were also reluctant to buy the card even though a very friendly and helpful Railway employee was trying to sell the card to the people in the queue.
Time is money! But for lots of people, money is more valuable than time!
Ram : True Sathya, it is convenient. But the 50 Caution deposit elimination and want of more recharge outlets in and around the stations would make the counter staff / railways more productive. What say?
Rs.50 caution deposit is nonsensical I think. There must be some bureaucratic reason for that š
Ram: Could be …. for us Rs50 might be immaterial, but for the regular user he/she’ll will think why 50 & when will i get it back? and many such things ….
whenever u recharge with 100bucks u wil get 105 balance,
that means 105% of price….
after 1 yr you might have recovered your Rs. 50 deposits or more by using atvm …
how to apply for ATVM card in chennai. can you help me to get that card please mail or message to me mob no. 9659018033
I need permission to use this image on my blog.
Ram: Go ahead Deepak to use this for any non-comemrcial use with due credits. Let me know abt where it was used, post usage.
Thanks a million Ram. It’s for non-coomercial usage only, and you will be given the credit due for it š
And its on my blog. You can check it out at disorientedoutoffocus.blogspot.com
Hi, I would like to use this pic for a non-commercial use, and i would certainly cite you …..
Where to buy an ATVM for chennai metro.