Belief, Education, People

Sree Narayana Mandiram

Sree Narayana Guru Mandiram
Sree Narayana Guru Mandiram

Sree Narayana Guru, is to be credited to have changed the entire social fabric of Kerala in his days. Many credit him for the enviable position of Kerala among the other states with regard to the social development.

The temple dedicated for this Guru could be seen near Vepery, at the Narayana Guru Salai (named after him recently and earlier called Hunters Road).

7 Comments to “Sree Narayana Mandiram”

  1. I just found your blog, by chance, while searching for blogs with photos as I have a Nikon D40 and started my own blog. I am still learning, but your photographs are very nice and I shall come back to look at more of them. You can look at mine if you like at

    Ram: Thanks dear …. checked about the honeybee’s in your blog … interesting

  2. T.P. Anand

    I have met him in his ashram near Trivandrum more than 10 years back. The first thing they do when anyone visits the ashram is to provide food. It is the same “kanji vallam” for everyone who comes to the Ashram. I was surprised when he spoke to me in Tamil. Naryana Guru lived a simple life with a singular motive of helping poor.

    Ram: Oh .. thats a first hand info Anand … thanks for sharing.

  3. Quite a new information.

    Any idea why it was named “Hunters Road” earlier?

    (Your hyperlink for Sree Narayana Guru doesn’t work)

    Ram: Will feed with more data on HUnters road …. also the link issue seems to be an irritant with some errors in WP not getting addressed. Will update / fix the same again. The URL anyways is

  4. solai

    hi, do you remember, this is the same guy who stood,sat and prayed
    in different poses all around kerala.

    Ram: Yes … he’s present in Chennai too.


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