Rather than waiting for the International day for Differently Abled on Decemeber 3rd every year, i hope we make the public areas in our city accessible to the differently abled people (or People with Disability – PwD). If you notice there are a very few buildings in the city with an access Ramp for the people with Mobility challenge, even the few which have these have an issue when it comes to the accessing of Rest Rooms, various floors, passages in the same building.
This makes the PwDs hesitant or avoiding going out or being on their own at various public places. Though there’s an act for Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 talking about non-discrimination in built environments and the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) having drawn up guidelines regarding a barrier-free environment way back in 1998, the situation still continues unchanged. Also we have just talked about people with Mobility Challenge, the situation for people with Hearing, Vision and other challenges too need to be treated equally.