…. but the kids of these ages might not miss their childhood’s, since their lives are lived by their parents. Everything they do is as per a timetable, eat, sleep, wake-up, school, tennis, karate, music, cricket coaching, dance and more such activities. Now skating.
A roller skating rink at Marina.
lovely sir one day i will also have to try this 🙂
What great fun! Even at my advanced age I still enjoy rollerblading!
Sometimes I do feel, like you do, that it is better to be a grown up man than a child these days.
Several parents overload the kids with too many activities and kill their joy.
Michael Jackson suffered in his childhood because of his greedy father. I think now at most homes there are parents like MJ’s father.
I think one extra-curricular activity is good.
In my childhood, extra-curricular activities were not coaching classes. Going to the temple every evening to recite Vishnu Sahasranamam and to the beach or the next street to play the season’s sport or game – Cricket, Chess, Carrom, Kite flying, Gilli Dhandu, Goli (Marbles) and the unique game முதுகு பங்க்சர்.