They call it the Golden Fibre. These fibre are made out of a few plants and obviously eco-friendly. Though Sanal (in tamil சனல்) featured here is a rope made from jute is mainly used as a tying rope, especially paper packets, cartons etc, there are other uses too for this fibre.
Seen at a front of a shop at Pycrofts Road, Triplicane.
The contrast with the brightly colored, translucent roof is breathtaking. Oh, the colors of India!
Ram: Thanks and welcome to the DailyPhoto Chennai.
Eco-friendly I like! Very interesting…I’m not sure they sell such rope here. But the next time I’m in one of the home supply stores, I’m going to see if I can find it!
Thanks so much for stopping by Ocala DP! Much appreciated!
Ram: Pls do check availability and preferred usage of these eco-friendly items. I Follow Ocala DP … but my Firewall doesn’t allow me to comment. 🙂
Hi, nice to read ur posts. Just wanted to correct a spelling mistake – in tamil its called saNal – that is moonru suzhi Na. Hope u dont mind correcting. 🙂
Please Send me this classic ropes details. We are looking for 50kg of product. So kindle provide me some details.