Communication, Place

Street Name #18

The caste names are a taboo when it comes to the street names and got removed a decade back.

Next 3 street names to be featured here every Sunday have had a caste name along and now removed, but Chennai Corporation decided to keep it as a shortened one for easy reference i guess so.

Samy (na) street, was Samy Naicken Street in Chintadripet.

2 Comments to “Street Name #18”

  1. Perhaps Samy is taboo too to some folks and we should get rid of it… we can call it Street,, or perhaps Sa-Na Street..also some may find Dr. offending them because they are not doctors, and later on keep removing things because we find things taboo… reminds me of that vadivel-parthiban jokes. Perhaps Indicating these actions are a big joke.

    Ram : Sa Na Street .. Hilarious it’d be to see it


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