Transport, Unique

Call for action ….

Some advertisement agencies should learn from this guy on communicating their service to their Target Audience ….. the product is visible & clear, service offered is crystal clear (with some typo’s šŸ™‚ ) & there is a call for action – phone number.

A Tyre puncture service offered at T Nagar – Pondy Bazaar. It’s a good service & spread across the city as its evident from my earlier post.

3 Comments to “Call for action ….”

  1. Very “Green” advertising idea. Thank you for sharing šŸ™‚

    Ram: There are some more good GREEN advertising ideas around us, which i’d chronicle here @ DailyPhoto Chennai. Thanks Misawa

  2. Ha ha..
    thats the word all “Puncher” shops use….
    Even here in my town its the same…
    And sounds very Real instead of “puncture”

    Ram: That’s true and that crossed my mind too when i posted, Thanks for the visit & views Yogesh. šŸ˜€


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