
Sthrothriadar of Uthukadu

This is the Statue/ Bust of Late V S Ranganatham Pillai, S/o Late V Subramaniam Pillai (Who was the Late Dewan of Cochin, Kerala). The plaque in the statue says he was the "Shrothriamdar of Uthukadu", i was unable to find any legend about him in the World’s Search engine. (Friends pls dig and give more data)

One could see this statue in front of the Srirangam Avenue opp Egmore Museum / Connemera Library and off Pantheon Road.

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2 Comments to “Sthrothriadar of Uthukadu”

  1. Good to see that you finally got this out! Haven’t been able to find anything about him, either. Another generation of search tools (memory banks of older relatives) will have to be pressed into action!

  2. I think he was not any big achiever other than probably founding Sri Rangam Avenue on Pantheon Road. Must have been a bust kept long ago. May be the bust was kept by his own family and is staying there ever since.

    Most likely his family owns a good number of properties on that avenue!


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