Commoner, People May 29, 2011 People, Week 81 Vasu the caretaker of the Pattinathar Samadhi Temple, Thiruvotriyur. He’s the Gardener and seen here with his son. Like this:Like Loading...
Leif Hagen May 29, 2011 at 5:09 PM · Edit The gardener has such a warm, friendly smile! Nice portrait! Ram: He did have one … 🙂 Reply
gunn White May 30, 2011 at 2:28 AM · Edit A very nice photo! I like it, the way you have done it. Ram: Thanks Reply
The gardener has such a warm, friendly smile! Nice portrait!
Ram: He did have one … 🙂
A very nice photo!
I like it, the way you have done it.
Ram: Thanks