Chennai so far has a single Golf range, though there are a few Golf courses like Gymkhana, Cosmopolitan, Army Courses and a few less holes private ones. But these Golf Ranges help a budding golfer or to dust of rusty swing or getting back to the game / to learn / fine tune your Swing & putting.
This is at the Sun Palms Golf range near the Gymkhana Golf course & the Madras Race Course in Guindy.
Heard work is underway for one more Golf Range at OMR.
Chennai is into swinging
Ram N : Yes, but mostly people from Korea are the ones swinging ….
Yeah, I have been there couple of times and Koreans were the only people to be seen.
But it is a good place for freshers to learn the game and experienced folks to practise their swing.
No membership is required. Entry fee is Rs 50 and you have to pay another Rs 50 for every basket of balls (I think they have around 50 balls per basket). Ideal time to go there is in the mornings. It is open between 6 AM and 7.30 PM but is difficult to find a place in the evenings. Due to the Korean crowd ofcourse 🙂
Hi vkiva,
I want to start learning Golf. Saw the details provided by you…can you please give me some more details… like whats the exact location…Membership is required or not…
I want learn swing, can u pls. give me the details? i’m living in anna nagar and suitable time is mornings.
Thank u
Ram: Will email you their location Purushotham.